

I've made a lot of things

My programming folder I've been using since I was 11

Some of it has been useful...

A math project on the 15 puzzle demonstrating how group theory can be used to solve it

...but most of it hasn't been

An always-running python script to check for new hermitcraft uploads that alerts you with an air horn sound effect

Here are some highlights:

Bay Clock

A website that displays the current and upcoming schedule for the Bay School of San Francisco along with useful links and lunch menu

Crop Check and Machine Check

A pair of utility mods that bring quality-of-life improvements to Stardew Valley players

High Speed Rail Scorer

A website to create and score hypothetical high speed rail networks in the United States

Word Frequency Projects

I like to find the most frequent words in whatever datasets I can get. This has included my school's lunch menu, zoom chats, and...Ed Sheeran lyrics?

Here's to making more things!